JMootcher testApp


It's not working good! ok? So, if you hit the search-button, it's only searching when the GUI is frozen :-), otherwise you've got to hit the button a few times. Depending on your search criteria this can take rather long!! So don't try any special characters, because they gonna return the whole freesound-database, and thats more than 20'000 samples!!! I've you want to be sure what's going on, use a console or have a look at the java logfiles, they'll tell you everything about my lousy code ;-).
I'll implement some progressbar within the next versions of JMootcher, it hasn't any listener- or eventsupport.


The description files (xml) and the preview files are stored in the standard java-tmp-dir (/tmp) in a folder "freesound". The files should be deleted after killing the app. If You want to use this applet properly you have to agree the security warning, and if you don't trust me, have a look at the code and improve it :-).


here it is!